Coaches cannot accept payments - any items deposited by parents or athletes into our dropbox must be labeled in an envelope and addressed with athlete name.
Questions? Contact Jenny Hooker at

Thank you for using one of the two payment methods listed below:
Online with SportsEngine:
NOTE: All online payments incur a 3% + $1 SportsEngine processing fee.
Registering for a camp/clinic/tryout? Do not use this link. You must submit online registration from the clinic/tryout page - where you will also have the option to pay electronically.
Drop Box:
Checks can be deposited into the secure dropbox inside our facility but must be placed in a sealed envelope labeled with athlete name.
This box is located just under the mezzanine near the restrooms.
Do not leave payments outside the facility - this is an unsecure mailbox and we cannot assure that items will not be stolen.
Mail to:
OMNI Sports
P.O. Box 19511
Sacramento, CA 95819
NOTE: Athlete name & invoice number must be listed in the subject line to ensure payment is correctly applied.